FAMED 680 Readings


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FAMED 680 Readings

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Required Articles for FAMED 680 Clerkship


For UW Students in Family Medicine 680 Traditional Indian Medicine: please use your uwnetid to access readings on canvas: Family Medicine 680 Readings


Required Books for FAMED 680 Clerkship


Galloway, James and Goldberg, Bruce W. Primary Care of Native American Patients: Diagnosis, Therapy, and Epidemiology. Boston: Butterworth Heinemann, 1999

Hultkrantz, Ake. Shamanistic Ritual and Ritual Drama: Health and Medicine in Native North American Religious Traditions. New York, New York: Crossroads Publishing Co., 1992.

Pojar, Jim and MacKinnon, Andy. Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Vancouver, BC: Lone Pine Publishing, 2004.

Rotblatt, Michael and Ziment, I. Evidence-Based Herbal Medicine. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus, Inc., 2002