Recommended Podcasts

Citizenship Status

Podcast: National Public Radio – Code Switch

Episode: Immigration Nation
Created: June 27 2018
Duration: 31 minutes and 14 seconds
Overview: Anti-immigrant sentiment is on the rise, and the prospect of mass deportation is in the news. But as much as this seems like a unique moment in history, in many ways, it’s history repeating itself.
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Podcast:  Café – Re-Made in America

Episode: Justice, Fairness and McDonald’s with Preet Bharara
Created: July 10, 2018
Duration: 40 minutes and 22 seconds
Overview: Preet Bharara is the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, which made him one of the most powerful lawyers in America. Preet was the first Indian-American ever appointed U.S. Attorney in that district. After being fired from that job by President Trump, Preet began hosting a podcast, “Stay Tuned with Preet,” on which he explores issues of justice and fairness with his guests. Preet is also a CNN commentator, teaches at NYU Law School, and is almost done with his first book. Preet talks with Bassem about growing up in two cultures, prosecuting criminals and hosting a podcast, among many other topics. At the end of the episode, Bassem and Preet answer listener voicemails together.
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Podcast: National Public Radio – Code Switch

Episode: Rap on the Trail
Created: July 18, 2018
Duration: 51 minutes and 22 seconds
Overview: Olutosin Oduwole was a college student and aspiring hip hop star when he was charged with “attempting to make a terrorist threat.” Did public perceptions of rap music play a role? This week we’re tagging in our friends at Hidden Brain to tell this story.
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Episode: Talk American
Created: August 8, 2018
Duration: 26 minutes and 23 seconds
Overview: What is the “Standard American Accent”? Where is it from? And what does it mean if you don’t have it? Code Switch goes on a trip to the Midwest to find out.
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Podcast: National Public Radio – Battle Tactics for Your Sexist Workplace

Episode: Knock, Knock! Who’s th – MANTERRUPTING COWORKERS
Created: July 10, 2018
Duration: 21 minutes and 14 seconds
Overview: Interrupting someone is rude. We all know that. But that doesn’t stop it from happening. Overall, men tend to interrupt women more. Hosts Eula Scott Bynoe and Jeannie Yandel explore why manterruption happens and look at strategies to get your ideas heard.
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Episode: How the Patriarchy Makes you feel like an Imposter
Created: July 24, 2018
Duration: 26 minutes and 55 seconds
Overview: Nearly everybody has grappled with imposter syndrome, the feeling that you’re a fraud or that you don’t belong. But feeling that way has consequences, and for women and people of color those consequences are more severe. Hosts Eula Scott Bynoe and Jeannie Yandel explore why your brain tricks you into feeling like an imposter and give you strategies to overcome it.
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Podcast:  New York Times – Still Processing

Episode: We Can’t Burn it all Down (Even though Sometimes We Want to)
Created: July 19, 2018
Duration: 46 minutes and 42 seconds
Overview: Jenna’s back in New York after spending last week at the Tin House Summer Workshop in Portland, Oregon. An explosive moment at the workshop prompted us to consider what it means for an institution — from a writing workshop to a TV network to a social media platform — to really commit itself to inclusion, and whether inclusion is even enough.
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer: LGBTQ

Podcast: National Public Radio – Code Switch

Episode: Looking for Marriage in all the Wrong Places
Created: June 20, 2018
Duration: 32 minutes and 16 seconds
Overview: Online matchmaking sites are making it easier than ever for couples seeking an arranged marriage to meet. Well…not all couples.
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Episode: UPDATE – Looking for Marriage in all the Wrong Places
Created: September 6, 2018
Duration: 33 minutes and 8 seconds
Overview: In a unanimous decision, India’s Supreme Court struck down a long-standing ban on gay sex. In light of this, we’re revisiting an episode about same-sex love and dating apps for South Asians.
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Podcast: New York Times – Still Processing

Episode:  We Chose our Own Families
Created: July 12, 2018
Duration: 56 minutes and 54 seconds
Overview: This week, we take a deep dive into “Pose,” Ryan Murphy’s new show on FX, and unpack the role of queer chosen families in pop culture. We dissect some of our favorite scenes — featuring Blanca Abundance Evangelista (Mj Rodriguez), Elektra Abundance (Dominique Jackson), and Angel (Indya Moore) — and celebrate the nuanced stories told of queer and trans characters of color by queer and trans people of color. Are we free to create chosen families that support who we are and who we’re trying to be, or are we destined to replicate the burdens and blessings of our biological families?
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Socioeconomic Status

Podcast: National Public Radio – Code Switch

Episode: Word Up
Created: July 11, 2018
Duration: 22 minutes and 39 seconds
Overview: Since 1992, the study known as “The 30 Million Word Gap” has, with unusual power, shaped the way educators, parents and policymakers think about educating poor children. NPR education correspondent Anya Kamenetz joins us to talk about what it gets right, and what it misses.
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Race and Ethnicity

Podcast: American Civil Liberties Union – At Liberty

Episode: Patrisse Cullors on a Lifetime of Activism and the Founding of Black Lives Matter
Created: July 12, 2018
Duration: 28 minutes
Overview:  On the eve of the five-year anniversary of the creation of Black Lives Matter, Patrisse Cullors discusses the life that led her to co-found one of the most consequential racial justice movements of our time. She talks about the evolution of the organization since its inception, what it’s like to live under surveillance, the books that inspired her, and more.
Listen: Click here

Episode: Desmond Meade and Dale Ho on Restoring the Right to Vote
Created: July 19, 2018
Duration: 25 minutes and 52 seconds
Overview: The 14th Amendment, ratified exactly 150 years ago, promises equal protection to everyone. But it’s also used to strip the right to vote from millions of Americans who have been convicted of felonies. How did this happen, and who’s affected? Desmond Meade talks to At Liberty about his campaign that could restore voting rights to a huge number of Floridians. We also hear from the ACLU’s Dale Ho, about why the Florida initiative could tip the scales — in a good way — for the rest of the country.
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Episode: America’s Criminalization of Blackness
Created: July 26, 2018
Duration: 31 minutes and 45 seconds
Overview: In recent months, Black Americans have had the cops called on them for things like waiting in Starbucks, entering their own dorm rooms, moving into their own apartments, and barbecuing in a public park. Why are these stories making waves now, and what do they say about being Black in America? Jeff Robinson, director of the ACLU Trone Center for Justice and Equality, discusses America’s history of criminalizing race, and how we can meaningfully confront it.
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Podcast: Café – Re-Made in America

Episode: I’m not White and I’m not a Man – Making it in Media with Maria Hinojosa
Created: June 12, 2018
Duration: 28 minutes
Overview: Maria Hinojosa is the anchor and Executive Producer of NPR’s “Latino USA,” the longest-running Latino-focused program on public media. She also hosts “In The Thick,” Futuro Media Group’s political podcast. Over the past three decades, Maria has reported for PBS, CBS, WNBC, CNN and NPR, and has won dozens of awards, including: four Emmys, the John Chancellor Award, the Studs Terkel Community Media Award, two Robert F. Kennedy Awards, the Edward R. Murrow Award, and the Ruben Salazar Lifetime Achievement Award. Maria talks with Bassem about embracing two cultures in her childhood as an immigrant from Mexico, being the first Latina at NPR, and what she’s done to further the diversification of journalism in America.
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Podcast: National Public Radio – Code Switch

Episode: Disrespect to Miss-Respect
Created: November 29, 2017
Duration: 27 minutes and 29 seconds
Overview: It’s Alabama, 1963. A black woman stands before a judge, but she refuses to acknowledge him until he addresses her by an honorific given to white women: “Miss.” On this week’s episode, we revisit the forgotten story of Mary Hamilton, a Freedom Rider who struck a blow against a pervasive form of disrespect.
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Episode: This Racism is Killing Me Inside
Created: January 10, 2018
Duration: 31 minutes
Overview: On this weeks episode we hear the story of Shalon Irving, who passed away after giving birth to her daughter. Black women in the United States are 243 percent more likely than white women to die of pregnancy- or childbirth-related causes. There’s evidence that shows this gap is caused by the “weathering” effects of racism.
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Episode: Location! Location! Location!
Created: April 11, 2018
Duration: 35 minutes and 19 seconds
Overview: It’s the force that animates so much of what we cover on Code Switch. And on the 50th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act, we take a look at some ways residential segregation is still shaping the ways we live. We head to a border with an ironic name, before dropping in on a movement to remap parts of the South.
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Episode: Members of Whose Tribe?
Created: April 18, 2018
Duration: 31 minutes and 45 seconds
Overview: Today, Americans tend to think of Jewish people as white folks, but it wasn’t always that way. On this episode, we dig into the complex role Jewish identity has played in America’s racial story — especially now, when anti-Semitism is on the rise.
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Episode: Of Bloodlines and Conquistadors
Created: May 23, 2018
Duration: 33 minutes and 18 seconds
Overview: Hispanos have lived side by side the Pueblo people for centuries—mixing cultures, identities and even bloodlines. But recently, tensions have risen among the two populations over Santa Fe’s annual conquistador pageant, known as La Entrada, which celebrates the arrival of the Spanish.
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Episode: What We Inherit
Created: June 6, 2018
Duration: 26 minutes and 38 seconds
Overview: On this episode, the story of one family’s struggle to end a toxic cycle of inter-generational trauma from forced assimilation. Getting back to their Native Alaskan cultural traditions is key.
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EpisodeTwenty-First Century Blackface
Created: June 13, 2018
Duration: 31 minutes and 14 seconds
Overview: We have one story of how blackface was alive and well on network television in Colombia until 2015.
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Episode: Tough Questions for the World’s Toughest Job
Created: May 9, 2018
Duration: 31 seconds and 17 seconds
Overview: Mother’s Day is coming up, so we’re taking on your most difficult questions around parenting. We’ll talk about choosing a school, raising bilingual children, modeling gender identity, and what to do if your kid’s afraid of black people.
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EpisodeWho’s Your Great-Great-Great-Great Granddaddy?
Created: August 9, 2017
Duration: 27 minutes and 10 seconds
Overview: Spit into a tube and get in touch with your ancestors! Or not. On this episode we interview the founder of a project that uses DNA tests to talk about race in America. And Kim TallBear, a Native American anthropologist, says why she thinks DNA tests don’t really tell you much about yourself.
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EpisodeA Thousand Ways to Kneel and Kiss the Ground
Created: May 30, 2018
Duration: 24 minutes and 29 seconds
Overview: Last week, the NFL announced a new policy to penalize players who kneel during the national anthem. The announcement drew fresh attention to the century-old tightrope that outspoken black athletes — from Floyd Patterson to Rose Robinson to Colin Kaepernick – have had to walk in order to compete and live by their principles.
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Podcast: New York Times – Still Processing

Episode: Asian Americans Talk about Racism, and We Listen – Part 2
Created: July 5, 2018
Duration: 34 minutes and 3 seconds
Overview: It’s the second installment of our two-part series on anti-Asian racism. Once again, we hand over the mics to our Asian-American colleagues, friends and listeners to hear about their experiences with dating, work and more as they relate to race and identity. We hear varied and nuanced perspectives — from the writer Jen Choi, the musician Simon Tam, the podcaster Andrew Ti and others — on what it feels like to be a part of the diverse community of Asian-Americans, which makes up almost 6 percent of the United States population. If you haven’t already, check out last week’s episode for Part 1 of this series.
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Episode: Asian Americans Talk about Racism and We Listen – Part 1
Created: June 28, 2018
Duration: 36 minutes and 5 seconds
Overview: This week and next, we’re doing something different. After witnessing an awful instance of anti-Asian racism at a movie theater, we couldn’t stop thinking about how this type of racism is rampant in American culture, both on the screen and off. At first, we wanted to talk about it. But then, we realized that we needed to listen. For the next two episodes, we hand the microphones over to our Asian-American colleagues, friends and listeners to hear about their experiences with racism. From Pablo Torre (of ESPN) to Emily Yoshida (of Vulture) to Parul Sehgal (of The Times) and more, we hear about childhood traumas, politicization, pop culture and hierarchies of oppression as they relate to Asian-American identity. The ideas are varied and complicated, conflicting and nuanced — which makes sense for a hugely diverse community that makes up almost 6 percent of the American population. We’ll bring you the second part of this two-part series next week.
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Episode: We Watch Whiteness
Created: April 26, 2018
Duration: 1 hour and 2 minutes
Overview: This week we’re talking about white culture, and what it is trying to tell us about itself on TV, at the movies and in the books. We’re noticing that white people are anxious – consciously and unconsciously – about their place in the world, and it’s fascinating to unpack. First, we look at the new season of Roseanne, a show that explicitly embraces its whiteness and thumbs its nose at anyone who would challenge that. Then, we talk about the hit horror movie A Quiet Place, which explores dystopia in a way that reveals submerged white fears of a brown invasion (we liked the craft of the movie a lot, but it’s got some problems it’s not aware of). We pose the question: what would a self-aware interrogation of being white look like? Plus, we celebrate JaVale McGee’s incomparable stank face, worry about Kanye’s tweets (we recorded this episode before his most recent tweets in support of Trump, which we’ll have to address another time), and bring you our very first nominee for Song of the Summer…!   One last thing: we’re bringing the show to Australia, and we’ll be back with new episodes in a couple weeks. Till then, keep stuntin’! Keep shinin’!
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Episode: We Unpack Black Male Privilege
Created: May 17, 2018
Duration: 49 minutes and 33 seconds
Overview: his week, shortly after multi-hyphenate artist Donald Glover blew up the internet with the video for his song “This is America,” Wesley and guest host Rembert Browne (New York MagazineGrantland) explore Glover’s career, and how he evolved from a likable comedian to a cultural provocateur and authority on blackness. We like Glover’s brain and the music and TV he is making, but we also wonder about the speed with which he’s been anointed a “genius.” Who gets left out when we apply that label so liberally to men? What do women have to do to be considered geniuses? More specifically, why aren’t we using that term for black women? And is there such a thing as black male privilege?
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Podcast: Scene on Radio
  Seeing White

 Episode 31 – Turning the Lens (Seeing White, Part 1)
Created: February 15, 2017
Duration: 16 minutes and 33 seconds
Overview: Events of the past few years have turned a challenging spotlight on White people, and Whiteness, in the United States. An introduction to our series exploring what it means to be White.
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Episode: Episode 32 – How Race Was Made (Seeing White, Part 2)
Created: March 1, 2017
Duration: 28 minutes and 35 seconds
Overview: For much of human history, people viewed themselves as members of tribes or nations but had no notion of “race.” Today, science deems race biologically meaningless. Who invented race as we know it, and why?
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Episode: Episode 33 – Made in America (Seeing White, Part 3)
Created: March 16, 2017
Duration: 33 minutes and 39 seconds
Overview: Chattel slavery in the United States, with its distinctive – and strikingly cruel – laws and structures, took shape over many decades in colonial America. The innovations that built American slavery are inseparable from the construction of Whiteness as we know it today.
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Episode: Episode 34 – On Crazy we built a Nation (Seeing White, Part 4)
Created: March 30, 2017
Duration: 36 minutes and 30 seconds
Overview: “All men are created equal.” Those words, from the Declaration of Independence, are central to the story that Americans tell about ourselves and our history. But what did those words mean to the man who actually wrote them?
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Episode: Episode 35 – Little War on the Prairie (Seeing White, Part 5)
Created: April 25, 2017
Duration: 1 hour, 2 minutes and 57 seconds
Overview:  Growing up in Mankato, Minnesota, John Biewen heard next to nothing about the town’s most important historical event. In 1862, Mankato was the site of the largest mass execution in U.S. history – the hanging of 38 Dakota warriors – following one of the major wars between Plains Indians and settlers. In this documentary, originally produced for This American Life, John goes back to Minnesota to explore what happened, and why Minnesotans didn’t talk about it afterwards.
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Episode: Episode 36 – That’s Not Us, So We’re Clean (Seeing White, Part 6)
Created: April 26, 2017
Duration: 40 minutes and 5 seconds
Overview: When it comes to America’s racial sins, past and present, a lot of us see people in one region of the country as guiltier than the rest. Host John Biewen spoke with some white Southern friends about that tendency.
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Episode: Episode 37 – Chenjerai’s Challenge (Seeing White, Part 7)
Created: May 5, 2017
Duration: 14 minutes and 26 seconds
Overview: “How attached are you to the idea of being white?” Chenjerai Kumanyika puts that question to host John Biewen, as they revisit an unfinished conversation from a previous episode
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Episode: Episode 38 – Skulls and Skins (Seeing White, Part 8)
Created: May 17, 2017
Duration: 45 minutes and 56 seconds
Overview: Scientists weren’t the first to divide humanity along racial – and racist – lines. But for hundreds of years, racial scientists claimed to provide proof for those racist hierarchies – and some still do.
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Episode:  Episode 39 – A Racial Cleansing in America (Seeing White, Part 9)
Created: May 31, 2017
Duration: 29 minutes and 14 seconds
Overview: In 1919, a white mob forced the entire black population of Corbin, Kentucky, to leave, at gunpoint. It was one of many racial expulsions in the United States. What happened, and how such racial cleansings became “America’s family secret.”
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Episode: Episode 40 – Citizen Thind (Seeing White, Part 10)
Created: June 14 2017
Duration: 38 minutes and 25 seconds
Overview: The story of Bhagat Singh Thind, and also of Takao Ozawa – Asian immigrants who, in the 1920s, sought to convince the U.S. Supreme Court that they were white in order to gain American citizenship. Thind’s “bargain with white supremacy,” and deeply revealing results.
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Episode: Episode 41 – Danger (Seeing White, Part 11)
Created: June 28, 2017
Duration: 45 Minutes and 52 seconds
Overview: For hundreds of years, the white-dominated American culture has raised the specter of the dangerous, violent black man. Host John Biewen tells the story of a confrontation with an African American teenager. Then he and recurring guest Chenjerai Kumanyika discuss that longstanding image – and its neglected flipside: white-on-black violence.
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Episode: Episode 42 – My White Friends (Seeing White, Part 12)
Created: July 12, 2017
Duration: 40 minutes and 16 seconds
Overview: For years, Myra Greene had explored blackness through her photography, often in self-portraits. She wondered, what would it mean to take pictures of whiteness? For her friends, what was it like to be photographed because you’re white?
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Episode: Episode 43 – White Affirmative Action (Seeing White, Part 13)
Created: August 9, 2017
Duration: 47 minutes and 58 seconds
Overview: When it comes to U.S. government programs and support earmarked for the benefit of particular racial groups, history is clear. White folks have received most of the goodies.
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Episode: Episode 45 – Transformation (Seeing White, Part 14)
Created: August 24, 2017
Duration: 44 minutes and 10 seconds
Overview: The concluding episode in our series, Seeing White. An exploration of solutions and responses to America’s deep history of white supremacy by host John Biewen, with Chenjerai Kumanyika, Robin DiAngelo, and William “Sandy” Darity, Jr.
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Intersectionality of Weight and Healthcare Equity

Podcast: Food Psych

Episodes: Six Seasons
Created: 2013
Duration: Varies
Overview: Food Psych® is a podcast about intuitive eating, body image, eating disorder recovery, and Health at Every Size.

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