Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Survey Launch page

Open January 17th - February 28th 

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Survey

UW Medicine

The Office of Healthcare Equity is conducting an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Survey to better understand the progress and roadblocks our organization has encountered toward becoming a more anti-racist organization. The survey was offered in six languages including Amharic, Chinese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Looking for the EDI Survey link? Please look at your personal UW email address for an email from ohce@uw.edu, received on January 17th, it included your unique survey link.

You did not receive a survey link if you started working at UW Medicine after October 17th, 2022 or if you are not paid by UW Medicine.

Thank you for your participation!!

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.Raised 10,246 towards the 26,473 target.10,246Raised 10,246 towards the 26,473 target.39%

Watch our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Survey Informational Video

Play Video

The video is in English. Please access the video with subtitles by selecting your preferred language below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions about the survey are available in multiple languages below. Download and share widely.


Promote the survey in your workspace. Available in the languages listed below. Download and post in your work areas.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Survey Dictionary

Support Resources

Questions? Please contact callieh@uw.edu.

EDI Survey Task Force

Leo Morales, Assistant Dean, Office of Healthcare Equity
Aric Ho, Director of Operations, Office of Healthcare Equity
Callie Hunter, Project Manager, Office of Healthcare Equity
Katina Maier, Chief of HR, Valley Med
Maria Zontine, Director of HR, School of Medicine
Nicki McCraw, Associate VP of HR, UW Medicine
Martine Pierre-Louis, Director of EDI, Harborview
Anne Browning, Assistant Dean of Well-being, School of Medicine
Andres Barria, Co-Chair EDI Committee, Basic Sciences
Dan Cabrera, Dept. of Medicine EDI Chair
Keri Nasenbeny, Chief Nursing Officer, UW Medicine
Jason Deen, Vice Chair of Peds EDI, UW Medicine
Sheryl Burgstahler, IT Accessibility, UW
Bree Callahan, ADA Coordinator, UW
Jonathan Kanter, Behavioral Scientist, Office of Healthcare Equity
Sean Johnson, TGNB Program Director, Office of Healthcare Equity
Trish Kritek, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs
Elaine Acacio, EDI Director, UW Medicine
Glenn Bieler, Director of Strategic Marketing & Comms
Allison Osenar, Sr. Director Patient Experience
Jay Sandel, Interim Chief Nursing Officer, Harborview
Chantal Cayo, Chief Nursing Officer, UW Medicine Primay Care
Angela Moore, Associate Dean, School of Medicine Operations
Cindy Sayre, Chief Nursing Officer, UW Medicine
Jennifer Best, Associate Dean for GME
Sean Greenlee, DEI Program Manager, Dept of Medicine