Home > Committee on Minority Faculty Advancement

Committee on Minority Faculty Advancement

The Committee on Minority Faculty Advancement is committed to supporting faculty from underrepresented groups in medicine and the biomedical sciences (URGMBS) by addressing the professional advancement needs, advocating and facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and skills, and providing resources necessary to achieve successful advancement of careers in academic medicine at the University of Washington. In addition, this committee will highlight the unique needs of URM faculty to aid in the recruitment, retention, and promotion of URM faculty, to increase the diversity of the medical school faculty.


Upcoming Events

  • CMFA Leadership

    YueHarn Ng, MDTony Pedroza, MDTara Reid, MDLaura Montour, MDJohnnie Orozco, MD PhDHannibal Person, MDHolly Vo, MD MPHAbby Hussein, MD MPH

URM Advocacy

Work with leadership to identify and collaboratively address issues that may negatively impact URM faculty.

Professional Career Advancement Activities

Sponsor CMFA members’ attendance at AAMC minority faculty leadership development seminars; coordination of in-house professional development workshops.

Build Community/Relationships

CMFA holds an annual welcome event in the fall inviting faculty, members of UW Network of Underrepresented Residents and Fellows, UWSOM student affinity groups, Health Sciences affinity groups and others. CMFA also partners with UWNURF and UWSOM student affinity groups to recognize heritage months;  

Personal and Career Care

Encouraging self-advocacy and self-promotion for faculty.

Mentorship and Sponsorship

Actively engage faculty within our system who can serve as mentors to junior and mid-level faculty. Annually recognize a faculty member who has been nominated by their peers for the Minority Faculty Mentoring Award.