Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Training – Sign up!

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Training
Register for our upcoming 2025 EDI Foundational Training courses below! The training is listed in 5 foundational sections and is generally encouraged to be taken in the listed numerical sequence. Courses that are CME-eligible in each respective month have an asterisk (*) in the title. Two additional trainings include Bystander Intervention and the Equity Impact Review Tool workshop. These two additional courses are recommended to be taken once the five foundational are complete. All courses require login and access to the UW Zoom platform. Each training session requires a minimum of 10 attendees. We encourage you to sign up early.
Date | Time | EDI Training Course | Click below to register |
Mar 26 | 2:30pm-4:00pm | * History of Race and Racism in Science and Medicine (2) | Register for RACE Mar |
Mar 31 | 10:30am-12:00pm | Bystander Intervention (6) | Register for BYST Mar |
Apr 8 | 3:00pm-4:30pm | Bystander Intervention (6) | Register for BYST Apr |
Apr 15 | 9:30am-11:00am | * History of Race and Racism in Science and Medicine (2) | Register for RACE Apr |
Apr 18 | 11:00am-12:30pm | * Gender and Sexual Diversity (3) | Register for GSD Apr |
Apr 25 | 12:00pm-1:30pm | * Bias and Microaggressions (5) | Register for BIAS Apr |
Apr 29 | 3:00pm-4:30pm | Identity, Privilege, and Intersectionality (1) | Register for ID Apr |
Apr 30 | 2:30pm-4:00pm | * Social Determinants of Health (4) | Register for SDOH Apr |
May 1 | 1:30pm-3:00pm | * Gender and Sexual Diversity (3) | Register for GSD May |
May 6 | 9:30am-11:00am | * History of Race and Racism in Science and Medicine (2) | Register for RACE May |
May 13 | 11:30am-1:00pm | Bystander Intervention (6) | Register for BYST May |
May 19 | 2:00pm-3:30pm | * Identity, Privilege, and Intersectionality (1) | Register for ID May |
May 21 | 9:30am-11:00am | * Social Determinants of Health (4) | Register for SDOH May |
May 28 | 2:30pm-4:00pm | Bias and Microaggressions (5) | Register for BIAS May |
Jun 4 | 1:30pm-3:00pm | * History of Race and Racism in Science and Medicine (2) | Register for RACE Jun |
Jun 5 | 2:00pm-3:30pm | Bystander Intervention (6) | Register for BYST Jun |
Jun 9 | 9:00am-10:30am | * Social Determinants of Health (4) | Register for SDOH Jun |
Jun 9 | 1:00pm-2:30pm | Equity Impact Review Tool Workshop (7) | Register for EIRT Jun |
Jun 16 | 12:30pm-2:00pm | * Identity, Privilege, and Intersectionality (1) | Register for ID Jun |
Jun 18 | 10:00am-11:30am | * Gender and Sexual Diversity (3) | Register for GSD Jun |
For internal UW Medicine training requests from the Office of Healthcare Equity, please submit a request below. UW NetID required.
For any other EDI training questions, please visit our contact us page.
EDI Foundational Training Program
In June 2020, as part of our UW Medicine response and call to action regarding racial injustice, our executive leadership pledged to become an anti-racist organization. This includes identifying and dismantling policies and practices that perpetuate structural racism, along with creating supportive, protected spaces for open, difficult dialogue about race, racism, and the impact of oppression, particularly on our Black staff, faculty, students, trainees, and patients. Completion of our foundational training sequence meets the EDI training requirements established by Washington State Senate Bill 5227 (for more information on SB5227, visit our FAQ).
The five key content areas and additional offerings
An essential step in our journey is education and training. In the pledge, made in 2020, we committed to requiring anti-racist training for all members of our UW Medicine community. To hold ourselves accountable and deliver on this commitment, we are training all members of the UW Medicine team in five key content areas.
Identity, Privilege, and Intersectionality
- Deepen awareness of the current state of racism and oppression in our society and at UW Medicine.
- Understand and describe your own and others social identities, intersectionalities, and privileges.
- Call to Action: Integrating these understandings into your personal and professional life.
History of Race and Racism in Medicine and Science
- Understand the way medicine/science has been used to create and further racism
- Understand the history of the creation of racial categories and hierarchy, particularly by physicians, and how that framework is still used in modern medicine
- Recognize race as a social and political construct
- Explain how and why race is not biological or genetic
Social Determinants of Health
- Define social determinants of health and health inequities
- Understand how social conditions influence health
- Describe elements of the Social Ecological Model and Life Course Model
- Explain the relationship between SDOH, racism and racial health inequities
Gender and Sexual Diversity
- Appreciate the range of gender diversity and variations in sexual identity.
- Recognize the importance of having both competence from the standpoint of medical knowledge as well as having a culturally informed approach with patients and/or colleagues with life experience and identities that differ from your own.
- Apply trauma-informed principles when providing medical care for patients and be aware that some have experienced trauma in healthcare settings.
Bias and Microaggressions
- Define key terms related to bias and microaggressions.
- Explain how microaggressions are harmful and associated with bias.
- Describe four psychological processes that fuel biased actions.
- Describe helpful ways to respond to microaggressions based on my typical role in these incidents (as a leader, bystander, target, or offender).
~Bystander Intervention
- Describe why it is important to intervene when you observe an incident of identity-based harm.
- Identify the obstacles that may get in the way of intervening effectively.
- Learn and practice the five D’s of bystander intervention.
~This course is available to community members who have completed our Foundational Training sequence.
Equity Impact Review Tool workshop
- Understand when and why to use the Equity Impact Review Tool.
- Identify decisions that are in front of you that require an equity context.
- Describe the six steps of an equity impact review.
- Practice the six steps of the Equity Impact Review Tool on live UW Medicine decisions.